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Apex Group Ltd, a global financial services provider with an office in Mauritius, announced on 17 March 2022 that it has offset its entire lifetime of carbon emissions, believed to be the first company to do so in the financial services industry.

Mahesh Doorgakant, ESG & Global Sustainability

Now a carbon neutral business, Apex Group has grown into a leading global financial services provider, employing over 8,000 people and servicing $2.3trn of assets. Apex is vocal about its purpose to drive positive change and inspire the industry to take action on environmental and social issues; its global sustainability efforts to date, involve advancing insights into environmental, social and governance impacts (“ESG”) across private markets, nurturing an internal culture of transparency, and promoting ethical stewardship across our business and beyond. Apex is a signatory of the Principles of Responsible Investment and a member of the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative. 

In addition to continually educating employees and implementing an Ethical Marketing Policy, the Group has an existing partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects – a non-profit NGO committed to rebuilding local communities in developing countries that were destroyed by deforestation. In 2021, the Group planted 200,000 trees in Madagascar – ten trees being planted for every new client contract signed and five for every five years of an employee’s tenure. 

Apex Group’s historic emissions will be offset by Carbon Footprint Limited, a leading independent climate change consultancy. Carbon Footprint is a founding member of the Quality Assurance Standard for carbon offsetting and is a provider of choice to many well reputed organisations including the UK Government. The Group’s emissions will be offset through domestic energy projects in Malawi and Nigeria, ecosystem conservation in Cambodia, as well as renewable energy systems in Brazil, Turkey, and China.

Apex will continually review and assess measures to reduce and offset future emissions, including increased use of renewable sources of energy, removing single use plastics from across its offices, limiting international travel where possible and informing staff on best-in-class sustainability practices through its regular Eco-Watch newsletter.

Mahesh Doorgakant, Managing Director in Mauritius, comments: “Apex is more than just a financial services provider. Our purpose is to drive positive change across the financial services space, to support a more sustainable, inclusive and responsible future for our industry, both in Mauritius and globally. We want to be a business that has a positive impact on everyone that interacts with us in Mauritius and to be a responsible corporate citizen, focused on making a difference to our people, our planet and the societies and communities in which we work.