Evolving Technical Standard and their Effective Implementation
13th September 2022- 15th September 2022

A regional workshop on Beneficial Ownership Framework was organised in Lusaka, Zambia on 13 September 2022 to 15 September 2022. The workshop was organised by the EU AML/CFT Global Facility in close collaboration with the ESAAMLG Secretariat and the Financial Intelligence Centre of Zambia. Over 80 participants from 18 ESAAMLG countries, including Mauritius attended the workshop and over 140 participants joined in the workshop virtually. The Mauritian representatives who attended the workshop comprised officers from the Ministry of Financial Services and Good Governance, the Bank of Mauritius, the Financial Services Commission, the Financial Intelligence Unit and the Corporate and Business Registration Department. The purpose of the workshop was to assess ways to enhance beneficial ownership frameworks. Focus was mainly given on the evolving technical standards and their effective implementation.

The workshop provided a platform for participants to discuss the challenges faced by ESAAMLG member countries in implementing the FATF recommendations on Beneficial ownership and allowed participants to interact with experts from the EU, ESAAMLG, FATF and the World Bank. Representatives from Mauritius were invited to provide an overview of their experiences and the mechanisms adopted by the country in achieving technical compliance with respect to FATF recommendations 24 and 25. Mauritian representatives further shared their experiences in conducting the risk assessment on legal persons and disseminated the findings of the typology report on the risks posed by the misuse of legal arrangements.

During the conference, the participants were able to discuss the challenges that ESAAMLG member countries were facing in implementing the FATF requirements on Beneficial Ownership and provided an excellent platform to discuss with experts from the EU, ESAAMLG, FATF, IMF and World Bank amongst others. Mauritius was also invited to share its experiences and best practices for having successfully complied with the FATF Recommendations 24 and 25. It was also an opportunity to share the Mauritian experience in conducting the risk assessment on legal persons and the typology report on risk posed by misuse of legal arrangements.